Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 66 (6), 1036-1045 (2000)

A Comparision of Extractive Components of a Fish Sauce Prepared from Frigate Mackerel using Soy Sauce Koji with those of Japanese-Made Fish Sauces and Soy Sauce

Yasuhiro Funatsu,*2 Ryoji Sunago,*3 Shiro Konagaya,*4,*5
Tooru Imai,*6,*7 Ken-ichi Kawasaki,*2 and Fumio Takeshima*2

A fish sauce (FMS) prepared on a test plant scale from gutted frigate mackerel was compared in extractive components among some Japanese-made fish sauces (Shottsuru (S), Ishiru made from Japanese common squid, and that from sardine (IS)), and soy sauce (SS). The total amounts of free amino acid and amino acid composing oligopeptide was highest in FMS compared with all of the samples, including SS. No adenosine 5´-monophosphate, inosine 5´-monophosphate and guanosine 5´-monophosphate was detected. The total organic acid content was extremely high in FMS and SS, and the greater part of the organic acid was lactic acid. FMS and SS contained larger amounts of potassium and phosphorus, and relatively small amounts of sodium. The result of the taste-panel test showed that the elemental taste factors of FMS as well as those of SS were well harmonized making a mellow taste; on the other hand, S and IS had a straight salty taste.

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