
関係機関の長 殿

荒木 宏之  


拝啓 時下ますますご清祥のこととお喜び申し上げます。


1. 募集職名   准教授または講師(常勤,任期有)
2. 募集人数   1名
3. 所属     低平地沿岸海域研究センター
4. 募集分野   有明海のプランクトンあるいはベントスに関する生態学的研究
5. 職務内容   有明海奥部では、赤潮が頻発している。
6. 採用予定時期  平成26年8月1日以降、できるだけ早い時期
7. 任期     平成28年3月31日まで。ただし、任期延長あり(最大平成31年3月31日まで)。
8. 応募資格 1)博士あるいはPh.Dの学位を取得している方、または採用日までに取得が確実な方。
9. 応募書類 1)履歴書(様式自由)
10.応募期限   平成26年7月31日(木)必着
11.選考方法   ・書類審査による選考及び書類審査合格者に対する面接をおこなう。
12. 待遇    国立大学法人佐賀大学職員給与規程による。
13. 応募書類送付先 〒840-8502 佐賀県佐賀市本庄町1番地
佐賀大学 低平地沿岸海域研究センター センター長/教授 荒木宏之
14.問い合わせ先 〒840-8502 佐賀県佐賀市本庄町1番地
佐賀大学 低平地沿岸海域研究センター 准教授 速水祐一
Tel/Fax: 0952-28-8499 E-mail : hayami@cc.saga-u.ac.jp
15.その他 ○応募において提出された個人情報は、本学個人情報の保護に関する規定に準じて適正に管理し、今回の採用選考以外の目的には使用しません。


Open Position for Associate Professor or Lecturer

1. Job Title
Associate Professor or Lecturer
2. Number of Position
3. Institution
Institute of Lowland and Marine Research, Saga University
4. Research Field
5. Plankton Ecology or Benthos Ecology of Ariake Sea
6. Content of work
In Ariake Sea, red tides are frequently happening now. And also, hypoxic water mass was formed every summer. They have serious effects on the benthos community. Therefore, we made routine ship monitoring of plankton and benthos to clarify the mechanism of the dynamics of community, their relationship between the recent environmental crisis in Ariake Sea and to propose the restoration methods. We are also conducting continuous environmental monitoring with the Ariake Sea Water Quality Monitoring Tower. We are looking for a candidate who follows the aforementioned monitoring and follow the education of undergraduate classes (e.g Science of Ariake Sea).
7. Start of employment
As soon as possible after August 1st.
8. Term of Office
  Employment duration is until the end of March 2016, but renewable up to March 2019.
  (This center has a limit of duration until the end of March, 2016. It's renewal depends on the decision based on the organization assessment. If it will be renewed, it will be possible that this position will be renewed after the individual evaluation.)
9. Qualification
1) Applicants should have a Ph. D, and/or Doctor Degree. Or the Ph.D / Doctor degree will be taken until the start of employment.
2) Applicants should be enthusiastic about the research in the Ariake Sea and outreach activities.
4) Applicants should have produced achievements of aforementioned study fields.
5) Applicants can teach aforementioned classes.
5) Applicants can teach and make field surveys in Japanese (Surveys are conducted by chartered fishermen boats).
10. Application and required documents
1) Curriculum vitae.
2) List of publications and presentations.
3) Reprint or copy of the major 5 publications.
4) A statement of research experience of the applicants. (1 page of A4 paper)
5) Ideas and plans for research and education in this work. (1 page of A4 paper)
6) List of acquired research grants.
7) List of 2 persons with contact information who can answer our question about the applicant.
11. Deadline for Applications
Application must be postmarked not later than July 31, 2014.
12. Selection process
Selection will be made based on application screening then interview.
(Travel expense for interview should be beard by applicants)
12. Condition
Depending on the pay regulation of Saga University.
13. Destination
The documents should be sent to the following address:
Director, Professor Hiroyuki Araki
Institute of Lowland and Marine Research, Saga University,
1 Honjo-machi, Saga-city, Saga, 840-8502, Japan
14. Contact information
Any question will be accepted by:

Associate Professor Takaharu Hamada
Institute of Lowland and Marine Research, Saga University,
1 Honjo-machi, Saga-city, Saga, 840-8502, Japan

Phone : +81-952-28-8494
Fax : +81-952-28-8494
E-mail : hamada@cc.saga-u.ac.jp

15. Note
1) Personal information about applicants is strictly subject to privacy laws and will be used for this application purpose only.
2) Saga University promotes gender equality.
3) Application documents will not be returned to the sender generally. If the applicant want to return the documents, please include the form of the parcel delivery company already filled in.