アメリカ水産学会のバーバラ ヌース コーネル大学教授より,以下の情報が届きました。

世界的に有名なウッズホール研究所の web site に福島の放射能に関するものがあるので,興味をお持ちの方はご覧ください。

You may remember that I attended in Tokyo in November a conference about Fukushima and radiation and fisheries issues. Because of the increased attention to continuing radiation associated with Fukushima and the water resources there, the group at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute that co-hosted the Tokyo meeting has prepared some resources to address the various questions that are being asked (here in the U.S., and from Japan) about Fukushima and the environmental and human health implications associated with the radiation releases.

They set up a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, and also have some materials from the Center for Marine and Environmental Radioactivity and a link to the Oceanus magazine issue that focused on the Fukushima conference.

The link to these resources is: http://www.whoi.edu/CMER

If you go to this page, at the top of the web page you'll see rotating images on each topic (there are 5 to choose from), and you can click on those to find different information about the Frequently Asked Questions, the Oceanus magazine issue, etc.